Status: Running
First Aired : 2021-08-06
Views: 48
Spidey and His Amazing Friends (2021)
Our favorite neighborhood web-slinger is used to working solo, but now Peter Parker must discover what it takes to become a truly amazing super hero: being a spider friend who works well with others. Together with his friends Miles Morales and Gwen AKA Ghost-Spider, they will team up with heroes such as Hulk, Black Panther and Ms. Marvel, to defeat evil foes and learn that teamwork is the best way to save the day.
Networks: | Disney Channel |
Web Channels: | DisneyNOW |
Genres: | Action , Adventure , Children |
AKAs: | Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends , Marvel: Póki és csodálatos barátai |
TvMaze | IMDb | Official Site
Type: | Animation |
Language: | English |
Runtime: | Minutes |
Tv Show Cast & Crew
Cast: Benjamin Valic, Alkaio Thiele, Jakari Fraser, Lily Rose Sanfelippo, Audrey Bennett
Crew: Patrick Stump, Cort Lane, Harrison Wilcox, Matt Scully, Tim Eldred, Marsha F. Griffin, Chris Gilligan, Allyson Bosch Jennifer Twiner McCarron, Ashley Mendoza, Jessica Brunson, Becca Topol, Tracy McAndrew, Chris Fondacaro, Sol Choi, Bart Jennett, Steven L. Grover, Ashley Rideout, Kevin Phibbs, Alan Hernandez, Nicole Almeida, Andrew McSherry, Solomon Swerling, Rachel Guergis, Zackary Focker, Darren Bachynski, Nick Meunier, Maria Estrada, Chris Moreno, Kelsey Davidson, Alice Rosenthal, Frank Marullo, Antoine Duque
Seasons and Episodes
Last Aired Episode: Spidey and His Amazing Friends - Season - 3 - Episode - 23 - Iron Zola - 2024-04-26
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