Status: To Be Determined
First Aired : 2023-09-08
Views: 20
The Changeling (2023)
Set in a New York City no one knew existed, The Changeling focuses on the death-defying odyssey of Apollo Kagwa and Emma Valentine as they look to find out what happened to the son who was removed from them. On their voyage, they will travel through enchanted isles and haunted woodlands, meet glowing witches, demon giants and racist cops. They'll deal with the perils of personal technology and social media, toxic masculinity, the mental health of new mothers and fathers and find out if surviving a fairytale is as brutal as simply surviving in Trumplandia.
Networks: | |
Web Channels: | Apple TV+ |
Genres: | Drama , Adventure , Fantasy |
AKAs: | Bölcsőrablók |
TvMaze | IMDb | Official Site
Type: | Scripted |
Language: | English |
Runtime: | Minutes |
Tv Show Cast & Crew
Cast: LaKeith Stanfield, Victor LaValle, Clark Backo, Adina Porter, Samuel T. Herring, Alexis Louder, Jared Abrahamson
Crew: David Knoller, Kelly Marcel, Jonathan van Tulleken, Sue Naegle, Geoff Ashenhurst, Lester Cohen, LaKeith Stanfield, Melina Matsoukas Victor LaValle, Megan Ellison, Hye Mee Na, Khaliah Neal, Ali Krug, Parry Creedon, Patrick Chu, Dan Deacon, David Wolkis, Marcell Rev
Seasons and Episodes
Last Aired Episode: The Changeling - Season - 1 - Episode - 8 - Battle of the Island - 2023-10-13
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