Schoolgirl Report Part 2: What Keeps Parents Awake at Night (1971)

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Schoolgirl Report Part 2: What Keeps Parents Awake at Night (1971)

Overview: After the big success of the first part the film-makers apparently felt pressured to launch a new "investigation" and gather new material. Therefore, Friedrich von Thun again ventures out into the streets, this time of Berlin, to ask schoolgirls about their sexual experiences. The invinted guests talk about (allegedly) true events. Schoolgirls that seduce their teachers, runaway girls that have been robbed and who have to prostitute themselves or innocent girls that have been drugged and raped...

Vote Average: 5.52

Genres: Drama

Production Companies: Rapid Film

Cast: Friedrich von Thun, Rena Bergen, Kurt Bülau, Rolf Castell, Günter Clemens,

Crew: Günther Hunold , Ernst Hofbauer , Klaus Werner , Wolf C. Hartwig , Hertha Hareiter

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