The Informant! (2009)

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The Informant! (2009)

Overview: A rising star at agri-industry giant Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), Mark Whitacre suddenly turns whistleblower. Even as he exposes his company’s multi-national price-fixing conspiracy to the FBI, Whitacre envisions himself being hailed as a hero of the common man and handed a promotion.

Vote Average: 6.11

Genres: Crime, Drama, Comedy

Production Companies: Jaffe / Braunstein Enterprise , Participant , Groundswell Productions , Section Eight , Warner Bros. Pictures

Cast: Matt Damon, Lucas McHugh Carroll, Eddie Jemison, Rusty Schwimmer, Craig Ricci Shaynak,

Crew: Doug J. Meerdink , George Clooney , Steven Soderbergh , Steven Soderbergh , Stephen Mirrione

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