Domésticas (2001)

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Domésticas (2001)

Overview: Five maids in São Paulo are observed in this episodic, impressionistic film. The women interact with each other, ride busses, work, and have longings: Rai for a husband, Créo for her lost daughter, Roxane for a career in modeling. Quitéria is naive, a gull for thieves. Cida has a husband and also a lover. While each woman gets what she wishes for (more or less), it doesn't always make things better.

Vote Average: 6.9

Genres: Drama, Comedy

Production Companies: O2 Filmes

Cast: Graziella Moretto, Lena Roque, Olivia Araújo, Luis Miranda, Robson Nunes,

Crew: Fernando Meirelles , Fernando Meirelles , Andrea Barata Ribeiro , Andrea Barata Ribeiro , Bel Berlinck

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